Newly elected speaker of parliament Anita Annet Among has reportedly refused to occupy the office previously occupied by her mentor and predecessor, the late speaker Jacob L’Okori Oulanyah.
Oulanyah died on March 20. (Read Story Here).
Five days later, on March 25, MPs elected Anita Among to replace Oulanyah as speaker. (Read Story Here).
MPs also elected Tayebwa their new deputy speaker. (Read Tayebwa’s Profile Here).
But according to reports, Among has declined to occupy Oulanyah’s former office.
According to Daily Monitor Among has reportedly said she is comfortable with her current office, meaning she will not be occupying Oulanyah’s anytime soon.
Among is also said to be reluctant to occupy her mentor’s office on the sixth floor because she is afraid it will rekindle the memories of Oulanyah.
It is not uncommon for officials to change demand change of furniture or even offices when taking over from their predecessors.