By Charles Rwomushana
The Rwandese civilisation here predates colonialism.
I have had time to reflect on Mpororo history and then we only had two kingdoms, Rwanda and Busongora under Queen Kitami.
By then the Banyarwanda already had their foot print here.
Museveni: Most people in Central region who claim to be Baganda are Banyarwanda
I’m advised that Masaka originates from the Rwandese word for sorghum.
Surely Masaka predates colonialism and I doubt migrant labourers to an industrial ground with lots of jobs with no one to do them would have such profound impact.
Okay then, let Museveni tell us what the original Kiganda name for Masaka was.
I’m also advised that Ankole Kingdom wanted to expel Rwandese back to Rwanda and Buganda Kingdom offered to accommodate them and that accounts to their proliferation here.
I’m not sure whether Museveni too was a labourer immigrant to Ankole and later to Buganda but at least he is a landlord here…
Museveni: I’m not a Munyarwanda
What is factually correct is that it’s literally impossible to get those that pass for Original Baganda from the various obuganda that constituted Buganda
There is a concerted effort by Museveni to rewrite Uganda history and Banyarwanda are his target too.
Kagame: I don’t know what Museveni wants from me
The writer is a former head of political desk at the Internal Security Organization (ISO)
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