A section of MPs have started a move that could see them impeach Mathias Mpuuga and other Commissioners of Parliament over the controversial Shs400-500m cash awards. The other commissioners whose jobs are on the line are Esther Afoyochan (Zombo DWR), Prossy Akampulira (Rubanda DWR) and Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central).
Led by Theodore Ssekikubo of Lwemiyaga County, the MPs say the actions of the four commissioners cost parliament its dignity and integrity.
They added that removing the commissioners who dipped their hands in the soupy plate of taxpayers’ money would restore Parliament’s integrity and dignity, and bolster the trust and confidence that some members of the public still have in the House seen by many as a sticky-fingered Parliament whose members care for their mouths and stomachs.
Ssekikubo has this Tuesday noted that Mpuuga, Silwany, Afoyochan and Akampulira were caught up in misconduct when they awarded themselves a salary of Shs23m every month yet they have a salary paid to them as members of parliament. That what made the service awards worse was that they were never approved by the House.
“[The Commissioners] never presented [the idea of service awards] to Parliament. It was kept a secret, it wasn’t known, it was their own deal and we say, ‘this can’t be left unchallenged.’ The conduct of the members affronts the dignity of Parliament; it degraded public trust and confidence in the institution of Parliament,” submitted Ssekikuubo.
“The conduct of these members amounts to misbehavior, misconduct thereby, making the aforementioned members liable to be removed from the office of the Commission of Parliament in accordance to the Rules of Procedure of Parliament, the Constitution and Administration of the Parliament Act.
“They created a service award which is unknown to law and in law, thereby failing in their duty to uphold the laws of Uganda. This is totally unknown and as you are aware, this very Parliament in the 10th Parliament had thoroughly investigated the so-called service award by MPs now how come it is now being put back, you remember it was the oil handshake which we find alien and unknown in law.”
Ssekikubo noted that his censure motion will need at least 177 signatures to go through. He urged fellow legislators to boldly vote Mpuuga, Afoyochan, Silwany and Akampulira out.
“Duty demands that MPs must come back. They can’t keep hiding; we aren’t interested in other officers but the Commissioners are ours. We must set the example, we must say no to the misconduct, to the diversion of public funds for personal aggrandizement and this is the time,” he said.
“The Commissioners, now is their time, they can step down; they can resign before the motion catches up with them.”
Ssekikuubo’s colleagues agreed with him.
“The time is now, Parliament is the highest institution in this country, we aren’t going to promote acts of corruption. Commissioners are our representatives and we advised them to resign, up to today, they have refused to step aside. We are now taking action to impeach them,” said Yorke Alion, the Aringa South MP.
“In our areas they have been attacking us that we were all bought because we are saying nothing. And all our efforts must be geared towards putting the image of this institution ahead of others. Look at our new chambers that they are building, they are all stuck, now we appointed Commissioners, they are supposed to push for the construction of the new chambers but they are there enjoying themselves with money,” added Kalungu West legislator Joseph Ssewungu.
“But we call upon MPs to examine their conscience and to have love for the country, short of that, the country is going to the dogs. You people, we are going to lose this country because if we fail here at Parliament, the watchdog, then the country is as good as gone.”
Toror District Woman MP Sarah Opendi urged Ugandans to pile pressure on their legislators to sign the censure motion.
“I also want to call upon the voters to cross check whether your MPs have appended their signatures, we shall be publishing this list and please see those MPs who aren’t here to serve you and MPs,” said Opendi.
Patrick Oshabe, the Kassanda North MP, told Mpuuga to stop masquerading as a Commissioner when his party recalled him.
“You can appropriate yourself Shs500m, you can’t appropriate yourself Shs23m for your own benefit and you do nothing about the people you represent. The service award was immoral, it was not right,” said Oshabe.
“Mpuuga, the National Unity Platform told you this was immoral, but you continue masquerading as Commissioner, when the Party that appointed you, told you that this was immoral.”
Although Bobi Wine’s NUP removed Mpuuga from his job as commissioner, he refused to go and also said he would not leave the party. (See Details Here, There and Over There).
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