The following is John Streather’s Rebuttal Stephen Wyard’s opinion titled: “Global Warming is Real and the Window to Mitigate its Worst Effects is Small.”

No one, including me, denies the fact that the average global temperature has risen slightly over the last 150 years or so. Many people seem to imagine that anyone who says that the cause of this phenomenon has little or nothing to do with CO2 or human activity has also said that they don’t believe the average temperature has risen.
This is manifestly untrue. It has risen but what many scientists and others maintain is that the CAUSE has little or nothing to do with CO2. “Climate denier” is an unfortunate phrase: how can anyone deny that there is a climate? If it means climate change denier it is also false: it is obvious that the climate has been changing constantly since time began. The only thing that some people contest is the mistaken theory that CO2 is the CAUSE of changes in the climate.
Long ago, the Earth was so cold that it was a snowball, yet there were many times more CO2 in the atmosphere then than there is now. In fact, there has hardly been a time when there has been less of it in the atmosphere than there is now.
CO2 is a beneficial but extremely scarce gas (0.04% of the atmosphere). Any increase would lead to bumper crops as plants thrive on it and the opening up to agriculture of vast swathes of land now dormant under permafrost. So, we should welcome any increase in the temperature. We should also bear in mind that it has been far hotter than it is now, in the very recent past.
Stephen tells us that 97% of scientists support the CO2 theory: I would say that they APPEAR to do so in order to hold onto their jobs. The majority are often wrong. When Galileo declared that the Earth moved around the sun, and not vice versa, he was, at first, in a minority of one, yet he was right. When the majority believed that investing in South Sea trade would make them a lot of money, they lost a lot of money. When the majority believed that malaria was caused by breathing foul air (mal-air-ia), they couldn’t have been more wrong. When most people believed the Earth to be flat, Columbus didn’t and, as a result, discovered America (so far as everyone apart from the indigenous inhabitants was concerned!). One day everyone will realise that denigrating beneficial CO2 was a massive mistake as well.
Humans produce about 3% of the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. 97% arises from submarine and terrestrial volcanoes, the oceans themselves, and rain forests. A volcano can produce, in three days, as much CO2 as humans produce in a century. The only drawback from using coal and oil is that they emit noxious particles as well as CO2. Modern coal and oil powerstations filter these particles out and only emit beneficial CO2. Catalysers on car exhausts remove these particles from car exhaust.
It is not true that 97% of scientists agree with the bogus CO2 theory. A letter entitled “There is no Climate Emergency,” signed by 1000 scientists, has been sent to the UN who have paid it not the slightest attention. Many climate and other scientists are well aware of the fact that the CO2 theory is false but have to pretend that it’s true otherwise they lose their jobs or university tenure, and they have families to support.
The stifling of the truth has become so extreme that none of the top scientific journals will print any article, however factual and firmly based on clear evidence it may be, if it proposes an alternative cause for climate change. A new inquisition has been imposed on the scientific world similar to the one that silenced Galileo.
Warming periods are cyclical. The present one is much milder than the preceding three. In Minoan times it was very much hotter than it is now, in Roman times it was quite a bit hotter than now, (the Romans had vineyards as far north as York), and in mediaeval times it was hotter. The warming is decreasing as time goes on. Not only that but we may also be entering the next Ice Age fairly soon as it is now about 1000 years overdue. We should remember that in former geological ages hippos frolicked in Britain and dinosaurs roamed Antarctica.
The main factor involved in a change in climate is changes in the sun itself, especially changes in the amount of electro-magnetic radiation it emits. Also to be taken into account are the distance of the Earth from the sun, minute changes in the angle of the Earth’s axis and tiny alterations in the course of the Earth’s wobble. CO2 has always played a vanishingly insignificant role.
Dr. Richard Lindzen is Emeritus Professor of the Middle Atmosphere in the MIT and also a member of the IPCC. Such a man is extremely unlikely to be telling lies when he declares that the climate scare is bogus. Stephen Wyard resorts to the well-worn strategy of barristers who try to discredit witnesses by casting aspersions upon their characters. Does being given money in order to conduct research mean that one does not tell the truth? Had Professor Lindzen already done research proving that CO2 had little or nothing to do with climatic changes when he was offered further funds in order to continue his research? Does any of this matter if what he discovered is not only true but demonstrably so, as it is possible to repeat the research done by the professor and always reach the same conclusion?
The fraudulent cause of climate change put forth by the IPCC is promoted and propagated by people who make a great deal of money and do a great deal of harm by doing so. Deadly poisonous rare earth minerals are essential to the construction of both wind turbines and solar panels. They are mainly obtained from China which is paid to mine them causing ill health and death to the unfortunate miners. These minerals leach down to the water table when the turbines and panels are thrown away: after 20 years in the case of the turbines and 25 years in the case of the panels. Colossal amounts of concrete, made using huge quantities of coal and oil, are needed as a base for each turbine and the turbines kill millions of birds every year and only work when there is a wind. The solar panels cause huge swathes of good land to be laid waste so that they can be installed in sufficient numbers to make any significant contribution to the national grid. They only work when the sun is shining. Both turbines and panels are a blight on the landscape. How Green is all that?
The IPCC is the official source of information about climate change to the UN and other illustrious bodies. It has deliberately concocted fraudulent results on two or three occasions in an effort to try to make its results fit the CO2 theory yet it is still relied upon as a trustworthy source of information. It is clearly singularly ill suited to perform this task.
Electric cars are so heavy that they inflict huge wear and tear on the roads. They also contain poisonous chemicals. The distance they can travel is limited by the availability of charging outlets. A huge number of them would cause the national grid to collapse. Very long queues would form at charging outlets as it takes very much longer to charge an electric car battery than it does to fill a normal car with petrol.
As for decreasing animal flatulence: it is extremely unlikely that people will suddenly stop eating meat or wearing woollen clothing. There are many books on this subject. I would suggest that those interested begin with Professor Ian Plimer’s, “Heaven and Earth” and James Delingpole’s “Watermelons” and “Killing the Earth to Save it.”
We have been bullied for far too long by eco warriors.
John Streather is a British writer and editor
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