ICT and National Guidance Minister Judith Nalule Nabakooba has appointed Hatwib Mugasa to replace James Saaka as NITA-U Executive Director.
Saaka was National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (Nita-U) for 10 years.
Last month, he popularised his achievements in the media. But the ICT minister declined to renew his contract. She instead chose Mugasa.
The new ED holds a holds a PhD in Computational Analysis and Modeling from Louisiana Tech University, USA.
He also holds a Masters in Mathematics and another one in Computer Science.
“In accordance with section 16(1) of the National Information Technology Act 2009, I am pleased to appoint you as Executive Director and Board Member of the National Information Technology Authority-Uganda,” Nabakooba wrote to Mugasa.
Mugasa will assume office in August when Saaka’s contract officially expires.
Saaka said he was “pleased to have served Uganda for the last 10 years in driving the digital revolution.”
“I am honored to pass on the baton to Dr Hawib Mugasa. We have accomplished much but there is still a lot that needs to be done,” said Saaka.
“We need to lower the cost of the internet further to $20 per Mbps and I am confident the team I’m leaving behind will achieve this.”
He also thanked President Museveni, the ICT Ministers “I have had the joy to serve under and the NITA Board, who have given me an opportunity to play a significant role in changing lives of Ugandans for years to come.”
He added: “I want to thank the team with whom for 10 years we have worked tirelessly to digitize the country. Always remember the journey has just begun.”