House of Prayer Ministries (HPM) lead pastor Aloysius Bujjingo has sworn that he will never leave fiancee Suzan Makula and return to wife Teddy Naluswa even if God Himself left His throne in heaven for Earth to tell him just that.
Bujjingo and Teddy have been apart since 2019 over alleged irreconcilable differences.
The vocal pastor has even replaced his wife Teddy Bujjingo with his Salt Media staff member Makula.
Teddy has previously vowed never to divorce Bujjingo, labelling Makula a Hagar in the biblical story of Sarah.
But even as the feuding couple await court’s determination on their marriage dissolution, Bujjingo has told his church Teddy will never be his wife again.
“I can never reconcile andbget back with Teddy even if God physically comes on earth to intervene,” said Bujjingo.