Uganda’s Parliament today marks 100 years of existence. While many most people’s interest in the House might be their MPs, there are several staff, including the clerk to parliament, who do help in the smooth running of the legislative arm of government.
Article 50(2) of the 1962 constitution provided for the office of clerk to Parliament, thus “unless Parliament otherwise provides, the office of the clerk to parliament and the offices of staff members shall be public offices.”
The clerk to parliament is the head of all civil servants that work in Parliament.
Clerks to Uganda Parliament since 1960
1960-1964: Phillip Pullicino
1964-1969: Baganchwera Barungi (first Ugandan clerk to Parliament)
1969 to 1979: Edward Ochwo
1979 to 1980: Prof Omwony Ojok
1989 to 2011: Aeneas Tandekwire (AM Tandekwire)
2012 to present: Jane Kibirige from 2012 to present.
Aeneas AM Tandekwire decorates Jane Kibirige in a clerk to Parliament handover ceremony. Photo by Joseph Kiggundu