Junior lands minister Sam Mayanja almost punched Nakasongola Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Darius Nandinda for disobeying orders given to him.
Months ago, Mayanja had been in Nakasongola to handle an issue raised by bibanja land owners who wanted to be reinstated on land on which grabbers had chased them from. Mayanja had directed the RDC to ensure that the bibanja holders are reinstated.
But the RDC reportedly told Mayanja that the District Police Commander (DPC) had advised him not to comply, making him decide to disobey the directives.
On May 26, Minister Mayanja returned to Nakasongola to handle another land issue involving businessman John Kadooma who wanted to chase residents of eight villages occupying four square miles from their land.

In the meeting with local leaders, who included District Woman MP Victorious Zawedde and Budyebo County representative Bernard Sekyanzi, Kadooma’s schemes were exposed with MP Ssekyanzi accusing the tycoon of attempting to bribe him with Shs200m to leave the matter. A village chairman even claimed that Kadooma wanted LC I chairpersons to sign documents lying that he owned the public land so that he could access Land Fund cash. In the end, Mayanja cancelled the land title.
But the highlight of the minister’s field visit was his rebuke of RDC Nandinda, whom he labelled ‘a terrorist.’ Mayanja even told the RDC to stop praising him since he had defied his orders.
Speaking angrily amidst cheers from the locals, Mayanja compared Nandinda to salt which had lost its saltiness, and told him not to joke with him. He told him he was no longer useful as an RDC, and advised him to hand his resignation letter to the appointing authority instead of waiting to be fired.

“The RDC is the president’s representative. The president authorized me to handle land issues based on my knowledge and experience; when I talk, I reference the Constitution, the law and the authority of the president. If you defied my orders, how do you come here to welcome me? I’m surprised you are still the RDC,” fumed Minister Mayanja.
“Before you’re fired, take your resignation to the president today because people like you are the ones who tarnish the president’s name. I have seen what’s on ground and now know you are the one tarnishing the president’s image. Hand in your resignation and allow the president to appoint another person in that position.”
Minister Mayanja has vowed to expose and kick out officials and the mafia behind land grabbing in Uganda. Months ago, he revealed that a fearless secretary and typist had tempted him with a Shs40m. (Read Story Here).
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