Internal Security Organisation (ISO) bosses led by Deputy Director-General Lt Col Emmy Katabazi have interrogated Makerere University fresh graduate Annah Ashaba who wrote the ‘I want to be Museveni’s side chic’ poem.
The meeting that happened on October 09.
Details from the meeting remain scanty but Ashaba says she and the ISO bosses agreed to disagree.
“I met with the DDG of ISO Lt Col Emmy Katabazi. I appreciate the dialogical approach and civility he used in regards to my poem ‘I want to be Museveni’s side chic,” wrote the graduate teacher from Makerere University.
“We can always agree to disagree without fear of (and use of) torture, blackmail, drones and prison. I wish more attention would be put on fixing the concerns raised rather than fixing the messengers. I won’t stop writing. I don’t fear being kidnapped or droned. I won’t get compromised into doing something I don’t want to. In fact after this meeting, I feel more determined to continue writing and sharing my thoughts, satirical or not. I owe this to my country and to generations to come.”

Ashaba’s statement suggests that there were fruitful discussions as opposed to fears that the poem would land her in trouble with the state.

You can read Annah Ashaba’s ‘I want to be Museveni’s Side Chic’ Poem Here.