Shortly before The Pearl Times broke the news of his fleeing through Rwanda, novelist Kakwenza Rukirabashaija had sent a clear message to Buganda Road Court magistrate Dr Douglas Singiza.
Rukirabashaija is believed to have fled Uganda on February 09. (Read story here).
The following was his message to the magistrate handling his case: To the bespectacled pig-headed magistrate at Buganda Road, Dr. Douglas Singiza, since you value my passport more than you do to my life and non-derogable rights, you have ashamed the profession because you chose to proliferate persecution against me.
You’re a disgrace! Now, put my passport in the dock and try it. I won’t face you again, dear bu*lic#er of Museveni and Muhoozi. You are an enabler of the outlawlessness.
Pursuant to the human rights Act, you had the discretion to observe my rights and discharge me other than whittling down my plea of torture.
Clearly, these crooks have made me a pariah in the country I call home and I will not capitulate to their offers (appointments and material wealth). A magistrate whose head or mouth doesn’t spew justice deserves to be called a fool.
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